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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 12, 2022 2:00am-3:01am PST

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i get to be on the mayor with the float. >> greg: who is below you on the float? >> everybody. >> greg: i wanted you to say a specific person but that's ok. we're out of time. fox news @ night with evil kevin is next. i'm greg gutfeld. i love you, america. for joinind i'm sandra smith. "the five" now. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: home invasions. jesse watters along with judge jeanine pirro, geraldo rivera, they do mcdowell, and greg gutfeld. 5:00 in new york city, this is "the 5p "music that this is "the five." ♪ ♪ joe biden looking to crush the trucker protests in canada before it spreads here. the president telling justin trudeau to get tough and cracked down on the freedom convoy. white house officials are urging canadian leaders to use their
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federal powers to break up the protests. it looks like they got the message. ontario, declaring a state of emergency, and is demanding the truckers go home now. justin trudeau, issuing this direct threat. >> p.m. trudeau: we talked about the flooding of the phone lines in ottawa, the blockades, and the impact of foreign money to funded this illegal activity. everything is on the table, because this unlawful activity has to end come and it will end. >> jesse: the media keeps hammering truckers as dangerous insurrectionist. >> these protesters -- started more than a week ago. they want to overthrow the government. >> the police chief says covid protests are a "nationwide insurrection driven by madness." >> nationwide insurrection driven by madness. >> it's not just truckers. i've heard there's qanon
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supporters in the crowd. >> residence i have spoken to all terrorized, intimidated. >> the media >> jesse: while a media bashes -- a reporter went and spoke to them. turns out, it's a diverse group. "i have spoken to close to 100 protesters, truckers, and other folks, and none of them sounded like an insurrectionist, what's a premises, racist, or misogynist." i think i know what we need to do: we have to liberate the truckers from canada. i say we do a full-blown invasion into canada, make canada part of the united states. i think everyone would agree that's the right move? >> greg: i like the sound of that, the look of that map. when justin trudeau said everything is on the table, didn't he just suggest a willingness to go to war? they are saying americans are involved, so did he just say "let's go, america?" we saw this coming. when this first started, that it was going to be called an
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insurrection on 16 wheels, this is the same demonization that mediated with trump voters, parents at school board meetings. everybody becomes a nazi because they can't argue with them. they try the blanket smear. do you think these are the type of people that are going to mess with the super bowl? these are the people who watch the super bowl! it's disgusting that our white house is putting them on par with terrorists. i can't name a canadian terrorists. i can name terrorists from a lot of other countries. they couldn't do that with antifa. two dozen people died in the george floyd rights. they did not get the panties in a bunch over that. nobody has broken a law, except -- then, you have to ch bona fide cnn analyst threatening actual violence, basically trying to initiate violence by saying "slash their
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tires, drain their gas tanks. imagine if they did that. that was a cnn analyst -- imagine them trying to start something, imagine if i said that about blm-ers. canadian truckers, easy target, no thumbs up emoji for them. then, she backtracked and said she was trying to talk about peaceful protests. no, she is an advocate for attacking peaceful protests. cnn, wrong side of history, wrong side on everything. >> jeanine: is in that incitement? "go/their tires." the amazing thing is canada is not used to this. the canadians do not protest on the level of the united states. to give these truckers who gave everything, at a time where they didn't know how dangerous covid was -- to make them into terrorists and insurrectionist is absurd. what's so hypocritical -- i'm tired of using that word -- is for biden to say "stop them."
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trudeau didn't want to talk to them! he might have been able to stop some of this, but right now, they are starting a protest on foot in jericho, calling it the jericho protest, protesting around parliament. the truth is, they are going to continue, because the world support them. when trudeau was talking about foreign money, he's talking about money from the united states, from all over the world. any government who threatens to take money from people who give to someone else, it's larceny, fraud. >> jesse: the only answer: put a wall up on the northern border and end this. [laughter] >> geraldo: who would have thought the southern border would be less chaotic they are in the northern border? i have heard a lot of well expressed but focused analysis of what has happened to. >> jesse: "bogus analysis!" >> geraldo: i got off the phone with my friend who does business in ottawa. he says that canadians -- they
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are nice people. they don't overreact. they are profoundly annoyed that the government has taken this long to clean up the streets of the capital city. they are romanticizing the truckers. they are more like occupy wall street. less than half of them are in the charter business. >> jesse: -- didn't have a job, what would you call them? >> geraldo: there's a couple thousand -- half of them are truckers. the other half are occupy wall street types. >> jeanine: they support the truckers. these are hardworking people. >> geraldo: these are disgruntled people. listen, whatever their beef is, i understand that. i have no problem with people acting out to resolve issues that they have. what i have a problem with is when you stop trade between two nations, put people out of work, because enormous -- >> greg: only the government cannot do that! >> jeanine: the government put people out of work!
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>> geraldo: -- toyota and ford are closing shifts now because of the protests. >> jeanine: they voluntarily open one lane. they don't want to stop it! >> geraldo: the pathetic thing is that it has been allowed to go on for over two weeks. can you imagine in the capital city, closing things down, annoying people to beat that -- >> greg: geraldo, they should set fire to buildings. they did that all summer. i didn't hear you did dispatch and it! >> geraldo: where do you think they -- >> greg: bathrooms. truckers know how to do that. by the way, i love how you will, when it comes to lockdowns and masks "let's wait longer, almost there." truckers show up and you go "oh, my god, they are shutting things down." >> geraldo: they are shutting down international commerce! >> greg: you are talking about two sides of your mouth. >> geraldo: that's an act of war. i am not if mikey would not see both sides of my mouth. [laughter] >> jeanine: to call closing some lanes
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>> dagen: to call closing some lanes on the verge of a constant act of war" is idiocy. there are bridges that go from canada into the united states and back, so this is not a hardship. it does not help the truckers that if people are out of some hours on the job at a forward a plant or another plant, they might want to think about that, but the very way these leaders and these gassy clatterbags on cnn talk about this, exemplifies why they are talking about this in the first place. from the leaders, trudeau on down, decrease from on high, the emperors and kings -- they get treated like plebes and trolls, beneath trudeau to even sit down and talk to them. they don't deserve to be heard, don't deserve a conversation:
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just vilification from these leaders in canada and individuals on cnn. one thing about that cnn thing. she said take their gas, slash their tires, and move the trucks -- does that know that if trucks don't have gas and the tires are flat, they aren't moving anywhere? one more thing. these are the people who moved food and necessities to all of us. >> geraldo: some of them were. a lot of them were not. my friend in ontario -- >> dagen: is he a truck driver? >> geraldo: -- ultra right ruffian. >> greg: i want to agree with geraldo. blocking this bridge is wrong, because how is justin trudeau going to get his shoe polish? [laughter] he's got to put the blackface on. he can't call anybody racist. >> dagen: what you are objecting to -- they want to
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terminate the digital tracking and the contact tracing, which they are doing on their iphones. you haven't agreed to it, but go to your settings. >> if you have a loaf of bread or something for your aching back because you were sitting on your ass for two years, you cut it because of a trucker. thank them, instead of this sneering. >> jesse: we can agree that geraldo's friend in canada represents all of canada. [laughter] failing biden can't take the heat. joe snapping at a reporter. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jeanine: another brutal week for joe biden. the president, proving he is clueless and has no solutions to the problems americans face. after crashing to a new low in the polls, biden getting snippy and struggling to answer a
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reasonable question about his record inflation. >> reporter: i think it was back in july, you said inflation was going to be temporary. a lot of americans are wondering what your definition of "temporary" is. >> president biden: i think you are being a wise guy with me a little bit. i understand that is your job. according to a number of corporate leaders and folks with contacted me, it will start to taper off as we go through this year. >> jeanine: biden leading from behind after democratic governors finally rollback covid mandates. >> president biden: it's hard to say it -- the science is saying that masks make a difference, and there is a relation. i would commit that i would follow the science has put forward by the cdc and the federal people. i think it's probably premature, but it's a tough call. >> jeanine: jesse, has biden ever been able to lay out a plan
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on how he's going to fight inflation, other than blaming everything else on inflation and saying "don't ask me about what i said, because i don't want to be responsible for what i said close close? >> jesse: judge, nobel laureates, 17 of them. [laughter] you can say nobel laureates when you are the president. you just can't use that phrase. nobody knows what it is. it >> jeanine: nobody cares. >> jesse: people look down on it nobel laureates. they gave obama the peace prize before he came into office, and if you listen to the rest of his answer, he says "we are going to build an intel chip manufacturer in ohio." that doesn't take weeks. that takes years. that's not going to do anything about gas or food. >> geraldo: big news in ohio. >> jesse: i like the fact that he has a nickname for people. i like "wise guy, "lying dogface," i want to know what he calls kamala. then he says it's premature to pull back on the masks.
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he doesn't know what premature is. he wants to spend trillions to change the weather 100 years from now. he doesn't know anything about what premature means. >> jeanine: geraldo, is it premature to pull back on masks for children, when the american academy of pediatrics -- [funny voice] -- >> jesse: are they nobel laureates? >> jeanine: -- 0.01% of all child covid cases resulted in deaths. >> geraldo: i don't know if he is smart or not, i think that he must be. he is having a failure to communicate. >> jeanine: why do you think he is smart? >> geraldo: i don't want to go into his whole biography. >> jeanine: is a smart today? as president? >> geraldo: when i say he's not nimble, what i mean as he had lost the step in terms of his response. sitting at this table, he would have a hard time with you,
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toronto. [laughter] the democratic governors are picking up the slack and may save them from an absolute route, but i don't know if we are going to talk about ukraine. we could be engaged in a war in europe. we have to put a big cliffhanger. >> jeanine: is he smart? >> geraldo: i think it's irrelevant and i don't know the answer. it >> jeanine: that's because he doesn't want to answer. >> greg: at some point in his life -- >> jeanine: today! >> greg: no. it's kind of sad. also, he's not telling the truth. do you believe 14 nobel laureates -- 17, sorry -- oh, 14 national security whatever. 17, they contacted him. that's easily checkable. >> jesse: "i'd like to speak
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to the president please. i'm a nobel laureate." [laughter] >> greg: here's my theory -- >> geraldo: robocall. >> greg: -- you cannot be concerned about wokeism and crime and inflation. the liberal postures have been taking up his shelf space in his brain. all that stuff pushed down, all the stuff he supposed to care about, the real concerns of the american people, which to me is crime and inflation -- but he can't do it because there is an opportunity cost to the obsession with identity, and ironically, it's affecting the identities that the left claim to defend, right? it's minorities that are getting hit hardest with inflation. it is a systemic racist point, inflation. we are watching the consequences of a man who is essentially a husk. they filled it up wokism, and he's like a dead robot. he's a dead robot.
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>> jesse: that's redundant. [laughter] >> jeanine: dagen, we have people like senator mark warren saying "let's get rid of the gas tax and that will save americans money." also, we have obama calling to some of these democrats' political calls. what do you make of this? >> dagen: that that is gasping for desperation, because they can't lean on joe biden, who is in cognitive decline. it's worse by the day, by the month. he sat down with lester holt at a time -- geraldo raised it, we are going to talk about it in the next block -- russia is on the verge of invading the ukraine. why wouldn't he sit down -- i know president trump did not do live interviews before the super bowl, but joe biden hasn't done a sitdown interview so far this year. this was his first. he did a taped interview days before it was going to error. wouldn't he try to reassure the american people, and sit down and at least do same-day taping or even, if you believe that you
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were capable of doing an interview with lester holt, do it live on the day of the super bowl. what else does he have going on question ricky has a manny-patty pregame? >> jesse: going to camp david. >> dagen: you can get mani-pedis at camp david, so they tell me, jesse. one thing about inflation: it's at a four-year high, but right now, it's much worse than 1982. back then, a risk-averse responsible conservative saver could put their money in a bank account and earn 8-10%. right now, when you have your money in the bank, you are losing 7% every year. this federal reserve and man in the white house running fiscal policy is -- they are promoting gambling. the only way that you can keep up with inflation with your money is by taking on downside
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risk of 20-50%. that's a perfect place to put hardworking americans. >> jeanine: coming up, the world is bracing for a russian invasion of ukraine, but don't worry: kamala harris is on the job. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i earn 3% cash back at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. so i got cards for birthdays, holidays, graduations, i'm covered for everything. which reminds me, thank you for driving me to the drugstore. earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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that's next friday. president biden warning americans to get out of ukraine while they still can. >> reporter: what scenarios would you put american troops to rescue and get americans out? >> president biden: that's a world war. when americans and russians start shooting at one another. i am hoping that if he is foolish enough to go in, he's smart enough to not come back to anything that would negatively impact american citizens. american citizens should leave, should leave now. we are dealing with one of the largest armies in the world. things can go crazy quickly. >> geraldo: with the threat of war very real -- i got my dates mixed up. with the threat of war very real in europe, the presidents turning to a national security ricky, with all due respect, vice president kamala harris. not a lot of experience on the international scene, trying to resolve his urgent crisis.
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the vice president will be heading to germany next week to rally allies against russia. i don't know why the warnings are so urgent, but they seem to have a real edge, seemed to sound, to me, like they are very forceful and "imminent" comes to mind. >> jeanine: what's disappointing is he does not imagine a scenario where he's going to go in and protect americans if we are in a situation where russia invades. he did it in afghanistan, although he initially lied, said "we are going to protect the americans, we will get them out." then he said "we are not going to." now he's saying ahead of time "we are not going to get americans out." you want stock impeachment? that should be you want to talk impeachment? that should be impeachment. he said "the russians have about
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120,000 troops on the borders, 100,000 troops in training, but the russian economy is so bad that the thought of them invading and staying there doesn't make sense, because they can't afford to keep the troops there too" access to the water, the eastern ukraine. are already there. they don't have to go in. if they going to kiev, the ukrainians are tough fighters and are going to give them a run for their money. i'm not sure it's imminent. >> geraldo: the reason it could be imminent, jesse -- think of all those tanks. they are running the engines. think about the soldiers that have to eat. they have heat, they get sick. to maintain a force of that size in the field is enormously expensive. he can't keep them there forever. it's use them or lose them. >> jesse: it's even more expensive once they go in,
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supply lines, the fuel. >> geraldo: ukrainians shooting at them. >> jesse: i think he was thinking of not going in, but now he might and will take half the country and not try for key avenue. i have no idea what he's going to do, but if he does go in, he will bleed to death in that country. i don't think that's going to go well for putin. imagine what would happen if trump were president right now, how the media would be covering this. "trump has allowed vlad to gobble up ukraine in exchange for beating hillary clinton in the election." "donald trump vacationing, three day weekend at camp david while americans are left stranded there, as nato trembles while trump golfs." he sends mike pence so he doesn't have to go. come on, geraldo! >> geraldo: what about kamala? >> jeanine: what about her? >> jesse: i would have sent hunter. [laughter] think of it this way, she has been waiting for a bigger role. this is the big leagues, babe,
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high-stakes diplomacy. go for it, let's see how -- on the other hand, you are basically giving her a tough thing, and she could come back with russia already invading ukraine and germany saying "we are not going to close the north," and that could go worse. >> geraldo: i wanted to mention that they can't rescue americans in the ukraine when the russians are occupying. you can't put american forces and russian forces in the same neighborhood. >> jeanine: they will start fighting. it will be war. >> jesse: one of the positive things that the president has accomplished is putin is facing a united nato, more or less. nato was shattered. the united states was a half-assed participants. the one thing that putin has managed is to unite nato against him. >> dagen: where are the
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sanctions? why aren't we being proactive rather than reactive? "if you go in, lay sanctions." >> geraldo: you would do it now? >> dagen: we should have weeks ago. the united kingdom cannot start cracking down on personal assets of putin and his cronies, but a lot of them are housed in london or in england. hitch north stream 2, why wait for that? i said this over a year ago on this show. by biden dismantling our energy economy and destroying our strengths on the world stage, where we were the string producer, controlled world prices, number one energy producer in the world -- biden destroyed that and handed power, control, and wealth to russia and iran. nations that want to wipe us off the planet. you saw today, oil is $94 a
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barrel. then, he turns around and starts begging opec to pump more oil in august. not only did we enrich russia. russia is in a better economic place now, because oil has had a 7-8 year high, but we also emboldened putin, because weakness is the oxygen of tyrants. >> greg: what about on the political front >> geraldo: what about on the political front, if biden were to announce "i made a mistake, i am reopening on a national emergency basis the keystone pipeline, xl pipeline, every other pipeline, refinery." >> dagen: that wasn't built yet. they should open up land leases, say "pump to the sky." >> geraldo: would that save him and us? >> greg: i don't know if that is the issue. i am happy that kamala is going
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to the ukraine to discover the root causes of the russia border problem. she will come back and do a nice book report. i love the fact that biden has brought us firmly back into the 1970s. we got the 1970s crime rates, the 1970s gas prices. now, looks like we are going to have a 1970s proxy war with an evil empire. if it continues that she's going to resurrect the manson family. where is jim jones? he's going to bring back everything about the '70s. [laughter] >> geraldo: platform shoes. it >> greg: geraldo is here! how did this until on the ukraine compared to the intel in afghanistan? we should ask ourselves that, and we brought up nato. want the ukraine and nato, why do we care? this has confused me. reverse history and consider an independent texas joining the warsaw pact. we could say "nato this, nato that," it really isn't that important. what do we get out of this?
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we get nothing out of this. to put it in human terms: yes, russia, putin is a bully and at the ukraine are the bullied, and america is on the side of the bullied. we should help ukraine. >> geraldo: what should we do? >> greg: we should go after supplied arms, but my feeling is that's not going to happen. >> geraldo: you would not put the 82nd airborne and question marks >> greg: no. >> geraldo: on that we agree. i got a note for montana. the teamsters are saying to the protesters "go home." they are urging protesters to go home. they are concerned. "the fastest" is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ feel stuck with credit card debt?
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> dagen: time for "the fastest." the judge was criticizing that music. [laughter] what are we getting ready for, the big super bowl showdown this sunday. 100 million americans will watch the bangles face the rams. what could be more important than food? i kill or thanks to morgan's brooklyn barbecue. greg has devoured a good chunk of it. it >> jeanine: i'm >> greg: i'm on my fourth ribbon that was only during the break. it >> dagen: and me back love. apparently greg has a collection of rubber gloves in his briefcase. it >> greg: there's wet wipes inside the rubber glove, for a barbecue and in case i go to prison. >> dagen: if i was wearing a hat, i would tape it to you. jesse, what are you doing?
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>> jesse: i don't care who wins. no one cares who wins. [laughter] it's the least anticipated super bowl that i can remember. there is no real stars at quebec. there are two young cornerbacks. no one that does not follow football knows anything about the super bowl. hopefully, cincinnati comes from behind and wins at the end. >> geraldo: i'm having a party saturday and sunday, i've been informed. sunday is very eclectic, both catering and finger food like this. it >> greg: thanks for the invite, by the way. [laughter] >> geraldo: you horror, despite your surly attitude. [laughter] >> jesse: you better order more food. >> greg: i'm not invited to any party! >> geraldo: you don't go. >> dagen: you don't get the invite because you won't show up. [laughter] judge, what are you doing? >> jeanine: nothing. i will have a game on because i want to see the commercials. >> jesse: you people -- i can't watch games like that.
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>> geraldo: that's women. is that sexist? >> jeanine: i am with my dogs. it's just me and the dogs. [laughter] i want to see the halftime show. >> jesse: who is performing? >> jeanine: dr. dre, eminem, snoop dogg snoop dogg. >> jesse: the name of dr. dre's on. >> jeanine: i can name an eminem song. "a monster under a bed" or something. [laughter] >> dagen: before you buy that brisket there, greg, what are you doing this weekend? >> greg: i'm watching the tyrus and tim podcast, because they claim that they trash me in every single one. i've never listened to them, so instead of watching the super bowl, i'm going to do that. >> jesse: you are not watching the super bowl? >> geraldo: why are you so hungry? >> greg: this is myr. it >> geraldo: eating in front of millions of people. >> greg: i don't care. when i get free food, i'm eating it. i have to leave, and where does this food go? >> geraldo: put it in your
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baggie. >> greg: this is my rubber glove. [laughter] >> dagen: if there's food on the set, you are supposed to eat it. >> jesse: this is a deep-fried oreo. >> dagen: who do you got? >> i don't even know who's playing. >> dagen: who has the bangles? >> i love hemmer periodically one could beat cincinnati -- on the down low. [laughter] >> greg: on the down low? >> jeanine: don't go anywhere. >> dagen: yeah. we will be right back. [laughter] "fan mail friday" is up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ancestry's helped me really understand my family's immigration experience and what life must have been like for them. and as i pass it on to my daughter, it's an important part of understanding who we are.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: i don't feel well. [laughter] i eat too fast. it >> geraldo: that's why you are burping. a >> greg: "fan mail friday." first one: "what is your most memorable athletic feet coast dominic dominic athletic feat?"
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>> geraldo: geraldo, let's do yours first. >> geraldo: used to box for a charity or the disabled. people would go up against me to fight me. i won the big match at madison square garden. >> greg: judge? >> jeanine: this is embarrassing, but it's my most memorable. the first time i went to sophia, which was eight years ago or nine years ago, i go into a dark room. my girlfriend says "you have to come here." i get to the bicycle, never been to soulcycle all my life. they kept going like this: you bend your elbows. i chipped my front tooth on the bar of the bicycle. [laughter] >> greg: you should have sued. it >> geraldo: is that the one you spit out on my show? >> jesse: you spit out a tooth customer >> geraldo: i caught the tooth. [laughter]
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>> jesse: you have to get tape of that. i have producers. >> geraldo: that is "one more thing"!" >> dagen: i used two mountain bike. i was not good at physical activity -- well -- never mind. [laughter] i would -- i learned to mountain bike when i was living in colorado. i used to mountain bike in moab, utah. i could whip some man-butt. i was proud of that. >> jesse: fifth grade in the gym, basketball, tie game. ten seconds left. i steal the ball, go down the court, winning layup at the buzzer. my grandmother was watching. highlight of my athletic career. >> geraldo: your daughter dumped too. >> greg: i landed a free throw and third grade basketball, the only time i scored in my life. [laughter] sad when you think about it. >> dagen: not the only physical expense. [laughter] >> greg: what is your favorite
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errand on your day off? >> dagen: buying red bull and a big bag of kettle corn at cvs. [laughter] in the morning. >> greg: that's amazing. >> jesse: go to the flower shop. >> greg: please. whatever. [laughter] now you are going to make me throw up. this food is fantastic. geraldo? >> geraldo: walking around with the dogs. me and the dogs communicate. >> jesse: not an errand, geraldo. >> greg: you don't take your bentley in fortuna? [laughter] >> geraldo: i take it to the car wash. it >> greg: that's an errand: washing your car by hand. >> jeanine: i do that. >> greg: i do it with cut offs are shirtless, i just do this. you should stop by my place. you don't live that far. i would love to wash your car, judge, shirtless. [laughter] >> jeanine: wax off. [laughter] if i need something simple, like
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may be gloves or something simple, i will go and spend a lot of time at the department store. >> jesse: shopping? that's what it's called. [laughter] >> greg: i shop at the liver store. i like to find an expensive wine and sit all saturday. >> jesse: you enjoy $30 bottles of wine. >> greg: according to mr. money bags, $30 bottle of wine is cheap. [laughter] mr. elitist, out of touch, mr. jesse watters. after mike that's how much i should spend on a glass! you are disgusting. [laughter] >> jesse: yesterday, you were shopping for cars on your phone, collectible cars, i might add. >> jeanine: good! >> jesse: to stop with the low class b.s. >> greg: populism. we can go now. >> jesse: you are not a man of the people. [laughter] >> greg: "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ >> jesse: right back on. i will go first. [laughter] i want to wish my dad a very speedy recovery. he just got knee surgery. doing great in physical therapy. way to go steven watters. also. you guys know it's crazy. this is a crazy fan from cincinnati. look what he has done to his head, his face, beard, his skull. >> judge jeanine: what is wrong? >> jesse: i don't know what he has going on in the rest of his body. that's how much the cincinnati van base cares about this game. >> greg: is that a real game? >> jesse: have they ever won the super bowl. he is probably going to be dead. >> judge jeanine: that's makeup.
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those aren't tats. that's makeup. >> jesse: looks like animals are great coming out of his chin. "primetime" tonight a hot show. >> greg: do you really? >> greg: i have jonathan joey jones, liz mcdonald. kat and tyrus. it's going to be great. let's do this: >> greg's sports. >> greg: all right. man, as you know i'm quite the basketball player. i just wish someone would look at me the way this dog looks at the ball. been there going on almost four days. waiting for the ball to drop. >> geraldo: that's hilarious. [laughter] >> greg: the owner is mellow. they call him mellow. he has ruined a lot of basketballs, he is waiting for that one to fall. isn't that nice? >> judge jeanine: okay. >> jesse: geraldo. >> greg: she down, judge. >> geraldo: easy there, judge.
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quickly, you know, go out every night in new york. you have to to go eating and stuff. went to fresco biscato great restaurant in new york. the daughter of the founders is the host of good day new york. that's my pal johnson wife ann. that's mrs. in the middle there her grandson. and chris christie was there. i did a live shot, too. with the great bill ritter, the anchor of channel 7 eyewitness news. we did 50th anniversary today of the actual willow brook documentary for wabc. >> judge jeanine: okay. it's my turn. you may not know it today is national peppermint patty day. for those of you who know -- or don't know it i'm a peppermint patty freak. i always feel that cool breeze flowing through my hair.
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uncle accept petty. apples with uncle jeanine apple. >> jesse: zero calories. >> judge jeanine: so delicious. ing. sneezing seals. ♪ o say can you see ♪ by the dawn's early light, ♪ what so proudly we hail'd ♪ at the twilight's last gleaming, ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪ through the perilous fight ♪ o'er the ramparts we watched


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